
Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanorods and Gold Nanorod Dimers  

By Kayli Vieira 

Gold nanoparticles have become a hot spot in recent research due to their unique electrochemical properties. When light hits the surface of a gold nanoparticle, a collective oscillation of electrons results in a strong electromagnetic field, enhancing absorption and scattering properties. This phenomenon, known as plasmon resonance, gives gold nanoparticles their uniqueness and versatility in different areas of research. For example, gold nanoparticles have been utilized for research in drug delivery, biosensing, spectroscopy, and catalysis. In Professor Wei-Shun Chang’s lab at UMass Dartmouth, gold nanoparticles are studied using spectroscopic techniques to understand their physical and chemical properties for application in catalysis, microscopy, and biosensing. For this project, gold nanorods will be used to study substrateinduced chirality through circular dichroism (CD) measurements on a hyperspectral microscope. Samples of both chiral and achiral gold nanorods are required for single particle measurement, which can be synthesized using simple wet-lab procedures.  


The first step of the project requires the synthesis of pure, homogenous, mediumsized gold nanorods (22×66 nm in size). To accomplish this, multiple syntheses were performed using the seed-mediated growth method first developed by the Murphy Group (see Figure 1 for procedure schematic). 

Figure 1. Schematic of Seed-Mediated Growth Method of Gold Nanorods (Adapted from the Murphy Group) 

After extensive background research and alterations of reagent concentrations, the procedure was used to synthesize mediumsized gold nanorods, optimized for single particle measurement. For characterization, samples were analyzed using UV-Vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and hyperspectral microscopy.  

Figure 2. UV-Vis Absorption Graph of Medium Sized Gold Nanorods

As seen in Figure 2, the UV-Vis absorption graph yielded important information about the sample’s purity and general aspect ratio, evident by the transversal and longitudinal plasmon bands. To determine the average size of the nanorods produced, SEM (scanning electron microscope) images were taken and analyzed. After analyzing over 150 individual gold nanorods, the dimensions of the rods produced yielded 59.6 7.0 nm X 20 3.18 nm (image can be seen in Figure 3).  

Furthermore, after being spin cast on a glass substrate and imaged on a darkfield inverted hyperspectral microscope, individual spectra for a given nanorod were produced using analyses of Hyperspectral images through the MATLAB program (see Figures 4 and 5). 

Figures 3 and 4. SEM Image and Hyperspectral Image of Medium Gold Nanorod Dimers 

Figure 5. Individual Gold Nanorod Spectra 

After successful synthesis of singular mediumsized gold nanorods, synthesis of a chiral sample is required. Using the previously made gold nanorod samples and a method developed by Kar et. al, samples of gold nanorod dimers (two gold nanorods linked end-to-end) were assembled. Using the polyelectrolyte coating and thiol-linking procedure schematized in Figure 6, chiral samples of gold nanorod dimers were synthesized and stable for a very short time.

Figure 6. Schematic of Gold Nanorod Dimers developed by Kar et. al 

Unfortunately, results varied from those in the literature. After a successful first attempt, reproducing the same results was almost impossible. Countless experiments were done altering individual factors at every part of the procedure to determine the driving force of the reaction. The hydrochloric acid concentration was determined to be the main contributor as to whether dimers were produced, likely due to the decrease of surface charge on the rods resulting in the ability for linkage. Furthermore, it was discovered that the addition of DABCO resulted in the destabilization of dimers formation likely due to surface charge imbalances. Thus, successful samples produced were only stable for a few hours.  

Figure 7. UV-Vis Absorption Graph of Gold Nanorod Dimers Sample

Characterization of each gold nanorod dimer sample was preformed using the same methods mentioned above. In Figure 7, the UV-Vis absorption graph revealed important information as to whether or not dimers were formed in the reaction, evident by the shoulder created after the longitudinal plasmon band. Similar graphs can be seen in the resulting spectra generated using the hyperspectral microscope (see Figures 8 and 9). Furthermore, SEM images depicted in Figure 10 clearly showed the configuration of the rods as dimers, aligning with the results of the hyperspectral images and UV-Vis graph. 

Figures 8 and 9. SEM Image and Hyperspectral Image of Medium Gold Nanorod Dimers

Discussion and Future Work 

Homogeneous and pure medium-sized gold nanorods were successfully synthesized for future single-particle measurement. Additionally, gold nanorod dimers were assembled using the polyelectrolyte coating and thiol linking method previously developed in the literature. Hydrochloric acid was identified to be the key parameter of the dimerization reaction, with alterations needed for each concentration of rods used for assembly. Currently, the gold nanorod dimers synthesis is continuing to be optimized for maximum reproducibility, with future plans of single-particle measurement. Both products synthesized will be used for analysis in the future study of substrate-induced chirality.  

Works Cited

Synthesis of Solution-Stable End-to-End Linked Gold Nanorod Dimers via pH-Dependent Surface Reconfiguration Ashish Kar, Varsha Thambi, Diptiranjan Paital, Gayatri Joshi, and Saumyakanti Khatua Langmuir 2020 36 (33), 9894-9899 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c01516

Seeded High Yield Synthesis of Short Au Nanorods in Aqueous Solution Tapan K. Sau, and Catherine J. Murphy Langmuir 2004 20 (15), 6414-6420 DOI: 10.1021/la049463z

Research in Biology

Phosphorus Removal Through Plant Assimilation in Floating Treatment Wetlands

By Mia Oliveira, Sara Sampieri Horvet, Micheline Labrie 

Affiliation: Coastal Systems Program, Department of Estuarine and Ocean Science, School for Marine Science and Technology 


Excess phosphorus (P) in freshwater systems contributes to the degradation of aquatic habitats through algal blooms and low dissolved oxygen levels. This study investigates the deployment and effectiveness of floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) as a method for phosphorus removal in Long Pond, located in Barnstable, MA. Preliminary results demonstrate species-specific differences in P assimilation and overall plant biomass increase during the first year of growth. 


Freshwater ponds and lakes in Massachusetts are degraded by excess inputs of phosphorus (P). Bioavailable dissolved forms of P, such as ortho-phosphate (PO43-), can stimulate phytoplankton blooms, potentially containing toxins. These blooms lead to low water column dissolved oxygen, resulting in poor habitat health. 

Long Pond (Barnstable, MA) is currently impaired by excessive P loading, primarily from wastewater sources (Eichner et al. 2022). Although sewering is expected to significantly reduce P inputs, it will not be implemented for ~25 years. The Town of Barnstable is exploring low-cost, non-infrastructural alternatives that can be implemented within 5 years. One such option is the deployment of floating treatment wetlands (FWTs). FTWs transform bioavailable P into plant biomass, which can be permanently removed upon harvest, effectively reducing P levels in the water (Lane et al. 2016). 

Using guidance from the Cape Cod Commission (Eichner et al. 2003), the target total P in the water column is 7.4 kg, consistent with levels measured in 2013 (7.8 kg) and 2011 (6.4 kg). This target contrasts sharply with the 2021 measurement of 16.2 kg, reflecting the need for additional water quality data collection and P reduction. 

Objective: Quantify in-pond P removal by FTW plant biomass via assimilation by seven aquatic plant species. Ultimately, success will be evaluated based on total P removal (kg/year), in situ P reduction from water quality measurements, and cost per kg P removal for full-scale implementation. 

Figure 1.

(Left) Aerial image of Long Pond, a relatively shallow, ~50-acre Great Pond. It is a public resource and subject to MA and federal regulations. The gray square represents the FTWs deployment location. Blue stars represent 2024 water quality sampling sites.

(Right) September 2024 Photo of the FTW rafts. 

Materials and Methods
Study Site

Ten FTW rafts were installed in the northern section of Long Pond in April 2024. Each raft measured 2.0 m × 2.1 m and consisted of a buoyant, high-density polyethylene matrix with designated planting holes for 36 (n=6) or 72 (n=4) plants per raft (Figure 2). The selection of plant species and planting configurations was directed by the Town of Barnstable, with 5 cm plugs sourced from New England Wetland Plants, Inc. 

Figure 2. Aquatic plant species and planting configuration determined by the town. The town obtained 5 cm plugs from New England Wetland Plants, Inc. 

Plant biomass measurements and tissue samples were collected in May (pre-planting) and September 2024 (end of Year 1 growing season). Sub-samples included whole plant wet weight, and wet and dry weights of above and below-water biomass. At the Year 1 season’s end, the ten rafts were surveyed to determine plant survival. 

Biomass was dried to a constant weight of 65°C and ground using a ball mill. Total P was measured via persulfate digestion and analyzed by the ascorbic acid-molybdenum blue method (Method 4500-PE) using a spectrophotometer set at 882 nm at the Coastal Systems Program Analytical Facility. 

Figure 3. Mia Oliveira conducting persulfate digestions at the Coastal Systems Program, SMAST-West. 


Plants deployed in rafts with 36 planting holes showed slightly higher survivability compared to rafts with 72 planting holes (Table 1). Preliminary data from the town indicated that most plant mortality occurred during July. Higher plant mortality coincided with greater incidence of weed growth. Species with higher survival rates contributed proportionally more to total P removal. 

Table 1. Summary of plant species remaining at the end of Year 1 for each raft. On average, rafts had 67% and 55% survival with 36 and 72 planting holes, respectively. 



Raft # 
36 planting holes  72 planting holes 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
C. lurida  9  5  9  2  8  17  9  0  7  14 
J. effusus  6  8  8  10  8  3  9  21  13  11 
P. cordata  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 
A. americanus  3  2  2  4  13  3  5  10  11  10 
A. incarnata  4  5  5  2  0  0  12  8  1  8 
S. atrovirens  3  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0 
V. noveboracensis  0  0  1  2  1  1  2  0  3  4 
Percent Survival  69%  56%  69%  56%  83%  67%  53%  54%  49%  65% 

Initial P content varied across plant species (Figure 4). Acorus americanus displayed the highest P concentration in shoot biomass and significant root P content. Viburnum noveboracensis exhibited higher root P levels compared to shoots, though data was limited (n=1). Comparing initial and final phosphorus contents, phosphorus (umol/g dry plant biomass) decreased over the growing season. On average, root and shoot phosphorus content decreased by 58% and 52%, respectively. 

Whole plant biomass increased across all species from deployment to the end of Year 1, except for P. cordata, which showed no growth. C. lurida had the highest biomass increase, reaching 500 g wet weight. Sub-sampling in September 2024 identified a total of 80 C. lurida individuals, accounting for a 37 kg biomass increase. Similarly, J. effusus contributed 30 kg of biomass over the growing season. Overall, given the wet biomass increase (Figure 5) and the total number of plants remaining at the end of the growing seasons, the total wet biomass increase was approximately 100 kg. 

Figure 4. Total phosphorus content (umol/g; dry wt. basis) of plant roots and shoots subsampled at the time of deployment (a. Initial) or at the end of the Year 1 growing season (b. Final). 

Figure 5. Whole plant biomass (g wet wt.) measured at the time of deployment (May 2024) and at the end of the first year growing season (September 2024). 


The results highlight the different phosphorus uptake capacities among studied aquatic plant species. The growth and P assimilation data demonstrate the potential effectiveness of FTWs as a P mitigation strategy. However, the feasibility of FTWs will likely depend on the biomass increases observed during the second year growing season.

C. lurida and J. effusus showed promise for selection for future FTW implementations, given their biomass increase. It is likely that biomass increase, rather than phosphorus content, will control total P assimilation. The lower performance of P. cordata suggests that careful species selection is important for optimizing FTW efficiency. Factors such as planting density, environmental stressors (competition, predation), and species-specific nutrient uptake mechanisms likely influenced survival and growth outcomes.

Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of FTWs should be assessed relative to other mitigation strategies. Integrating FTWs with other methods, such as aluminum sulfate treatment, sediment dredging, or aeration systems, could provide a more comprehensive and reliable approach to P management in Long Pond. Future research should focus on long-term monitoring of FTWs, including multi-year survival rates, biomass increase potential, and the ecological impacts of large-scale deployments. Additional work is also needed to quantify in situ water column P reductions and evaluate potential secondary benefits, such as enhanced habitat for aquatic organisms and sedimentation. 


We thank the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Town of Barnstable Department of Public Works for their invaluable support. Special thanks to the individuals and organizations dedicated to the protection and restoration of Barnstable’s aquatic ecosystems.  


Eichner, E.M., T.C. Cambareri, G. Belfit, D. McCaffery, S. Michaud, and B. Smith. (2003).

Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas. Cape Cod Commission. Barnstable, MA.

Eichner, E., Howes, B., & Schlezinger, D. (2022). Long Pond management plan and diagnostic assessment. Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. Coastal Systems Program, School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. New Bedford, MA. 110 pp.

Lane, S., Sample, D., Lazur, A., Winston, R., Streb, C., Ferrier, D., Linker, L., & Brittingham, K. (2016). Recommendations of the expert panel to define removal rates for floating treatment wetlands in existing wet ponds. Final Report to the Urban Stormwater Work Group.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19th edition. Method 4500- PE.

Research in Mechanical Engineering

Mixed Mode Fracture Characterization of Hydrogel-3D Printed Polymer Adhesively Bonded Systems 

By Nicholas Sardinha


Hydrogels are soft polymer networks with an interstitial liquid, usually water, and they have many applications ranging from tissue engineering, water purification [1], and even anti- biofouling. However, for hydrogels to be more useful for anti-biofouling, their adhesion to different surfaces must be investigated. Many marine vessels have hulls made of different metals such as steel and aluminum, but with the rise of additive manufacturing came the increase in the use of 3D-printed polymers as hull materials. This research attempted to study the adhesive bonding of hydrogel and 3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The specific method chosen to evaluate the fracture toughness was the J-integral method, used on a mixed mode bending fixture described in the methodology section of this report and based on the work of Zhao Y, Seah LK, Chai GB [2]. Mixed mode bending applies opening mode-I and shearing mode-II to the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen. However, this type of test has never been conducted with two materials with such a large difference in elastic moduli, with hydrogel having a Young’s modulus in the 10 kPa – 2 MPa range and ABS in the 2-4 GPa range. This causes the ABS to experience much less deformation than the hydrogel at the same load. That is the primary reason why the traditional peel test was not used, as hydrogel experiences significant deformation, which absorbs energy. This leads to the peel test not accurately measuring fracture toughness of softer materials, since that additional energy absorption is not properly accounted for in fracture toughness calculations. 


Specimen Production 

Table 1: Hydrogel Composition 

Number of Samples  Total Solution (ml)  DI Water (ml)  AAm (g)  DAC (ml)  MBAA 


KA (mg) 
1  25  14.8  8.9  10.2  23.2  13.7 
3  75  44.4  26.7  30.6  69.6  41.1 

The specimens used in this research were fabricated using a unique in situ fabrication method. Firstly, a hydrogel precursor solution was made using the five main components: deionized water (DI Water), Acrylamide (AAm) monomer, Acryloyloxyethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (DAC) cationic monomer, N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide (MBAA) crosslinker, and α-Ketoglutaric acid (KA) photoinitiator. From Table 1 the weight percentage of AAm and DAC are 25.24 wt.% and 32.69 wt.%, respectively. This process produces a clear hydrogel precursor solution that can be used for the fabrication of test specimens. 

The second half of each specimen is a 3D-printed ABS T-shape, which was produced using a Stratasys uPrint 3D printer and ABS P430. After the ABS T-shape finished printing, a 10 mm long pre-crack film was glued to the top surface, as shown in the red area of Figure 1(a). 

 For the control samples, the rest of the 3D-printed surface was left unaltered, and the ABS T- shape was placed into a silicone mold. This silicone mold was designed with two connected cavities: one for the ABS and the other for the hydrogel precursor solution. The side for the precursor solution had an opening that was sealed using a strip of photocopier film and two glass microscope slides. The purpose of using transparent materials to seal that side of the mold is to ensure that the 365 nm ultraviolet light can pass through and photocure the hydrogel. After many experiments, a 4-hour photocuring time was chosen and used for all samples. Since the mold had an opening on the top for the hydrogel precursor solution to be poured in, a sheet of plastic wrap was applied around the entire mold to prevent moisture from entering or exiting during curing. Photocopier film was also used to line the inside of the mold to ensure that the surface of the hydrogel would be smoother. 

After the samples finished curing, they were removed from the mold, and excess hydrogel was cut away with a razor blade so that the edge of the hydrogel aligned with the edge of the ABS. Once this was completed, a 20× 100 mm2 strip of photocopier film was superglued to the backside of the hydrogel. Next, a 100 mm long strip of paper with millimeter markings was applied to the side of the ABS to help measure the pre-crack length. To ensure that the pre- crack area did not have any adhesion, the crack was slightly opened by hand, and the end of the pre-crack was marked on the side of the ABS with a black marker. 


The photooxidation process refers to the exposure of the ABS surface to chlorine dioxide (ClO2) gas and 365 nm ultraviolet light. To produce ClO2, 100 mg of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) was added to 14 ml of DI water inside a small dish. This small dish was then transferred into a larger glass reaction vessel. Any ABS samples to be photooxidized were then placed in the reaction vessel close to the small dish. The entire reaction vessel was then placed in the fume hood. Then using an adjustable pipette, 100 µl of 37% hydrochloric acid (HCl) was added to the solution, which starts producing chlorine dioxide gas. After that, the reaction vessel was sealed using plastic wrap and a clear flat plastic sheet to contain all the produced gas. Then the ultraviolet light was placed on top of the reaction vessel, and a timer was started as soon as the light was switched on. After the desired time was completed, the ABS samples were transferred into another container, where they could be used immediately for either contact angle measurements or for fabrication of mixed mode bending specimens. All remaining reacted solution was then transferred into a designated waste container specifically for that solution. 

Mixed Mode Bending Fixture 

Figure 1:(a) Hydrogel/ABS adhesive system and (b) T-Shape drawing with dimensions in millimeters. 


Figure 1(a) shows the ABS/hydrogel adhesive systems, and Figure 1(b) shows the dimensions of the T-shape part of either portion. The double T-shape specimens were placed into a mixed-mode bending fixture as shown below in Figure 2. This fixture was loaded under compression with a load P, where force and displacement measurements were recorded using a Shimadzu AGS-X universal testing machine (UTM) with a 50N load cell. A Celestron handheld digital microscope was used to capture the crack initiation. The loads at locations A, B, C, and D were determined using statics, and the angles measured at these four locations were used in determining the fracture toughness. Due to the significant difference in elastic moduli between the hydrogel and ABS, θB & θD are extremely small and approximated as zero. 


Figure 2: Mixed mode bending loading configuration of the adhesive system. 


The lever length c can be adjusted to change the mode mixity, and for these experiments a length of 30.61 mm was used. The horizontal distance between points B and C called length L in Figure 2 cannot be adjusted and was set to 45 mm. Prior to each set of tests, the load 50 N load cell was calibrated. 

To secure the prepped samples into the fixture, superglue was applied to the top surface of the hydrogel to meet the grip, and the grips were tightened down. The lower grips on the ABS side did not require superglue, since the ABS did not deform during testing. Once the specimen was in the fixture, the pivot was slowly lowered until it contacted the surface, then a vertical line was drawn onto the hydrogel to measure the angle at point C. Both the force and displacement were then zeroed. A loading rate of 4 mm per minute was used based on previous mixed mode tests. The recording on the digital microscope and the UTM were started at the same time and two screenshots were taken, one at the start of the experiment and one at fracture initiation. 

These screenshots were then imported into MATLAB, where a code was used to analyze the angles of 3 different points. The first screenshot was analyzed to measure the initial angle of the vertical line at point C, and the second screenshot was analyzed to measure the angle of the fixture, the angle at A, and the angle at C (this is shown below in Figure 3). The time of fracture initiation was also recorded from this video and was used to get the load and displacement at fracture initiation. With the P, θA, & θC, the fracture toughness can be calculated using the following formula:

= 100( sin() + sin() sin() + sin() ) 

The average fracture toughness and 95% confidence interval were plotted using Excel. The force vs displacement was also plotted using MATLAB and the Excel spreadsheets produced by the UTM. After the completion of each test, the hydrogel was separated from the ABS and the ABS surface was cleaned using deionized water for future use. This procedure was repeated until four consistent tests were performed. 

Figure 3: Example of Angle Measurements at Fracture Initiation. 


Water Contact Angle Measurement 

Water contact angle measurements were taken using a Ramé-Hart Model 90 goniometer. The goniometer was calibrated using the included calibration sphere and the water contact angle software package. The surface to be tested was placed on the test platform with the backlight turned on and leveled using the included adjustment knobs. After that, a droplet of deionized water was dropped on the surface using the included syringe, and the contact angle was recorded. This was repeated in four separate locations on the ABS surface on two different specimens. This procedure was repeated for the three different conditions which were untreated, 15-minute photooxidation, and 30-minute photooxidation. The average and 95% confidence interval were then plotted in Excel. 


Figure 4: Water Contact Angle for Untreated, 15 Minute Photooxidation, and 30 Minute Photooxidation. 


The water contact angle measurements from Figure 4 showed a significant difference between untreated samples and samples that have had the photooxidation procedure done on them. The average contact angle decreased from 76.23° to 42.06°. This was an expected result as the photooxidation process modifies the ABS surface with more reactive groups, meaning the surface should become more hydrophilic, which it did. It also showed that increasing the photooxidation treatment time from 15 minutes to 30 minutes did not have much of an effect. This is important information as it led to one of the challenges experienced later on in the process. 


Figure 5: Control Load vs Displacement. 


The load versus displacement graph in Figure 5 shows the same trend for all specimens. There is an initial shallower slope section that quickly transitions into a linear portion until the peak load is achieved, and then the load quickly drops off as the crack grows along the interface. All four specimens achieved peak load values within 1 N of each other. 

Figure 6: Control Fracture Initiation Toughness. 


The average fracture toughness for the untreated control samples was 31.1 J/m2 as seen in Figure 6. There are no other conditions to compare to the control which is explained in the discussion section of this report. 


Many challenges were faced during this research that limited the scope of this project. Due to the novelty of bonding hydrogel and ABS plastic, a unique hydrogel precursor solution had to be created and iterated on. Initially, the hydrogel used had half of the concentration of AAm and DAC, which caused the hydrogel to be very soft, excessively deform, and ultimately lead to inconclusive tests. This challenge was eventually overcome by doubling the concentration of AAm and DAC, along with increasing the MBAA cross-linker concentration. 

This led to very successful control experiments. However, after the control tests concluded, photooxidation tests started. Based on the contact angle results, a 10-minute photooxidation procedure was selected. As expected, the photooxidation had a major effect on the adhesive bond between the surfaces; it had such a large effect that the hydrogel consistently failed prior to the interfacial bond. Corrective measures were attempted, such as decreasing the concentration of the NaClO2 and HCL solution by half and the exposure time down to 3 minutes. This still resulted in the same challenges as previous tests, namely crack propagation into the hydrogel. 

The second-largest challenge was determining the proper method to measure θC. The methods used by other researchers who used the same fixture did not work as expected due to the ABS acting as a rigid body and causing the hydrogel to indent rather than bend. This indentation issue was compounded by the fact that the hydrogel used in these experiments was prone to warping. Many different solutions were proposed to combat those problems, but ultimately, applying a backing layer to the hydrogel and drawing a vertical line at point C was chosen, as described in the methodology section of this report. 

Conclusion / Future Work 

There are many more aspects of this research topic that can be further investigated, the most pressing being the degree to which the photooxidation process increases the fracture toughness. This would require the control samples to be redone using a hydrogel stronger than an interfacial bond to prevent cracks from propagating into the hydrogel. Once the hydrogel is strong enough to withstand the photo-oxidized tests, other test configurations can be tested, such as modifying the surface geometry or roughness. Following that, another future step for this research is using digital image correlation (DIC) to determine the mode mixity of these mix mode tests. The lever length used for these tests was chosen because, with the same material for top and bottom T-shapes, it produces equal parts mode I & II loading conditions. However, since the top and bottom are not the same material, the mixity is not the same. With the help of DIC, the strain fields near the crack tip can be analyzed to determine the true mode mixity. Overall, this research has built up some knowledge of hydrogel and ABS adhesively bonded systems. Even though it did not achieve all of its goals from its onset, it still provides a solid foundation that can be built upon by future researchers. 


Yahia LH, Chirani N, Gritsch L, et al. History and Applications of Hydrogels. J Biomedical Sci. 2015, 4:2. 

 Y. Zhao, L. K. Seah, G. B. Chai, Measurement of interlaminar fracture properties of composites using the J-integral method, J. Reinf. Plast. Compos. 35 (2016) 1143-1154. 


Research in English

Evolving Feminism in The Hunger Games Series

By Ellie Cook

My project analyzes the differences in feminine gender performance between Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist of the original The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and Lucy Gray Baird, the protagonist of the prequel novel The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. It analyzes the two characters from an intersectional perspective and argues for the importance of cultural, economic, social, etc. contexts when accounting for differences in gender performance, as these factors are all intertwined with gender norms. From the basis of their contrasting gender performance, the paper then delves into agency as a theme and how each character’s relative agency impacts their feminine representation. These differences in gender performance and agency show a different archetype for a young adult feminine heroine over ten years after the original trilogy’s publication. 

From the end of May to mid-July, I completed the background reading to prepare for writing my paper. I read critical theory such as Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble, Undoing Gender, and Who’s Afraid of Gender? as well as Butler Matters: Judith Butler’s Impact on Feminist and Queer Studies by Warren J. Blumenfeld and Margaret Sönser Breen. I also read scholarship about The Hunger Games series that focused on gender and feminism. Some of these texts include: “You Love Me. Real’: Gender in the Hunger Games Trilogy” by Bienvenue Bray and “I Hunt. He bakes.’: Constructing and Deconstructing Gender Identity in Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games Trilogy” by Rakchuda Thibordee. I also read books that gave a general overview of the young adult dystopian genre, such as Female Rebellion in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction by Sarah K. Day, et al. and Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers by Carrie Hintz, et al. Using these texts, I completed an annotated biography.

I met with my Apex mentor, Professor Caroline Gelmi, in mid-June, mid-July, and mid-August to check my progress. From mid-July to the end of August, I completed the first draft of my paper. I will continue to work on it with Professor Gelmi throughout the Fall 2024 semester and will finish my final draft at the end of the semester.  

I am grateful to Professor Gelmi for her feedback and mentorship and to OUR for supporting this project through a summer research grant.

Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Microwave Mediated Synthesis of Quinazolinone Natural products of  Peganum harmala for Medicinal Chemistry Applications 

By Amelie Duval

In the pharmaceutical field, quinazolinones have become an important pharmacophoric scaffold due to their presence in natural compounds with a wide range of medicinal chemistry applications. Among these, Peharmaline A (1), a natural alkaloid with b-Caroline and tricyclic pyrroloquinazolinone cores (Figure 1) that exhibits various biological activities, including antimalarial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activities has garnered significant interest of synthetic and medicinal chemists in recent years. In addition, quinazolinones possess stability and change adaptability that makes it easy to prepare, which is prime for scientific investigations. Peharmaline A is found in Peganum harmala L., a species coming from the family of medicinally important Zygophyllaceae. In Chinese traditional medicine, P. harmala L. seed extract is widely used to treat malignancies of the digestive system and malaria. 

(±}-Peharmaline A (1} 

Figure 1: (±)-Peharmaline A precursors 

Objective of the Proposal 

We proposed to develop a novel approach to synthesize Peharmaline A utilizing the deoxyvasicinone and 5-methoxytryptamine, and extend the same to access a library of analogues of peharmaline to further study their biomedicinal potential. 

Methodology for the Synthesis of (±)-Peharmaline A and Its Analogues 

According to our retrosynthetic plan shown in Scheme 1, we have proposed a total synthetic route to achieve (±)-Peharmaline A 1 in a three-step process: through Pictet-Spengler reaction with the use of 5- methoxytryptamine 3 and deoxyvasicinone methyl oxalate intermediate 2, which itself can be made by of the acylation reaction of deoxyvasicinone 4 with methyl oxalyl chloride 5. It required us to develop a short and effective synthesis for deoxyvasicinone itself through adapting and modifying the reported synthesis into a practical largescale under microwave irradiation chemistry one-pot synthesis. Starting from commercially available isatoic anhydride 6 and pyrrolidinone 7, they would serve as the building blocks and will result in (±)-Peharmaline in just three steps. It would also provide a divergent approach towards the (±)-Peharmaline A analogues in a modular fashion. 

Scheme 1: Retrosynthetic plan of synthesizing (±)-Peharmaline A 

Results and Discussions 

Scheme 1 describes our efforts toward the development of a total synthetic approach to the synthesis of (±) -Peharmaline A. After a lot of careful experimentation with stoichiometry and heating (temperatures and time intervals), we finally optimized the synthesis of deoxyvasicinone to work on 1Og scale. It required thorough mixing of 1:1.25 equals of isatoic anhydride 5 and the pyrrolidinone 6 and heating of three minutes at medium power household MW (with one-minute intervals). Once the reaction was completed, it was allowed to cool to room temperature, and any remaining starting materials were removed under reduced pressure. The next step was acylation of the deoxyvasicinone 4. The acylation reaction conditions needed a lot of optimizations. We started with the available chemical in the lab i.e., ethyl oxalyl chloride 6 instead of methyl oxalyl chloride, which will lead to Methyl (±)-Peharmaline A, while we awaited the other chemical to arrive from the vendor. 

After a great deal of experimentation to optimize the temperature conditions, the equivalence of acylation reaction, and the solvent environment, we found out that 3 eq of ethyl oxalyl chloride and 2 eq of Et3N base in anhydrous DCM was needed to complete the reaction with deoxyvasicinone, resulting in  32.6 % of yield. Further, it was confirmed that the initially maintained O °C temperature needs to be increased after the complete addition (1 h) of ethyl oxalyl chloride to overnight refluxing to 48 h for the completion of the reaction to obtain a green clean solid product. The addition of both ethyl oxalyl chloride and Et3N base was separated into two portions, with the first half equivalent being added in at OoC initially, and the second half equivalent being added after 24 hours of refluxing in the same method before placing the reaction back to reflux for an additional 24 h. The acylated deoxyvasicinone 2 was obtained in enol form and it was confirmed by NMR and X-ray crystallography. 7 The methyl oxalyl chloride had arrived from the vendor and was tested with the same chemical and temperature environment, and experiments are still on-going to examine the identity and quality of the product. Additional tests are being conducted with deoxyvasicinone with benzoyl chloride and oxalyl chloride to determine if analogues can be developed to further the research with the final (±)-Peharmaline A and other quinazolinone products. 

Scheme 2: Synthesis approach of (±)-Peharmaline A analogue 


The next step in the sequence was the Pictet-Spengler reaction. We decided to establish it first with the commercially available tryptamine instead of the expensive 5-methoxy tryptamine (required to be synthesized in the lab later). Accordingly, we combined the tryptamine base 3.85b with acylated deoxyvasicinone 2 under refluxing conditions. After a lot of experimentation trials, our efforts towards the Pictet-Spengler reaction conditions were successful. It ensued in the presence of a catalytic amount of acid that could facilitate the reaction forward to the formation of (±)-Peharmaline A analogue when there was no water present in the sample. As we ran these optimization reactions on a mg scale, we obtained the product through preparative TLC thus far. We need to further optimize them on a larger scale and obtain the pure compound. 


Scheme 3: Pictet-Spengler reaction for the final assembly 


Figure 2 shows the changes in the 1H NMR peaks along the path of (±)-Peharmaline A analogue (8) (C) formation from the deoxyvasicinone 4 (A). 

Figure 2: Comparison of (±)-Peharmaline A analogue synthesis process A) 1H NMR of Deoxyvasicinone 4 in CDCl3 synthesized through MW irradiation chemistry. B) 1H NMR of enol form of acylated deoxyvasicinone 2 in CDCl3) 1H NMR of Peharmaline A analogue 8 in CDCl3 synthesized in TFMS acid/DCM solution. 

Conclusions and Future Directions

In summary, we have established the groundwork needed for the synthesis of peharmaline A and its analogues. Scheme 4 deliniates our approach of making a library of (±)-Peharmaline A analogues by employing different tryptamines and tyrosinesbased primary arylethanamines in Pictet-Spengler reaction by applying our optimized reaction conditions (anh. DCM/TFMSA/reflux-24 h) towards appending the b-Carboline ring to the deoxyvasicinone ring. As can be seen, it is a modular and divergent approach to making (±)-Peharmaline A analogues via employing different acid chlorides as well, as seen in Scheme 5. We propose to carry it out when the grad student that I was associated with returns in the next winter and summer breaks. 


Scheme 4: Future study: Scoping Pictet-Spengler towards (±)-Peharmaline A analogues 

Scheme 5: Other modifications for Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Peharmaline A 


Support from the UMassD OUR is greatly appreciated. Many thanks to Fazmina Anver and Dr. Rasapalli for their teaching and mentoring in the lab. 


Kulkarni, A. S.; Dash, A.; Shingare, R. D.; Chand, J.; Manhas, D.; Singh, A.; Nandi, U.; Goswami, A.; Srinivasa Reddy, D. Identification of New Modulator of DNA Repairing Pathways Based on Natural Product   (±)-Peharmaline   A.   Bioorg.   Med.   Chem.   2023,   91,   117365. 

Piemontesi, C.; Wang, Q.; Zhu, J. Enantioselective Synthesis of (+)-Peganumine A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 (35), 11148-11151. 

K.-B. Wang, S.-G. Li, X.-Y. Huang, et al. (±)-Peharmaline A: a pair of rare B-carboline-vasicinone hybrid alkaloid enantiomers from Peganum harmalaEur J Org Chem, 2O17 (2O17), pp. 1876-1879, 1O.1OO2/ejoc.2O17OO137 

Anver, F; Rasapalli, S. Thesis: Synthetic Studies Towards Biologically Active Heterocyclic Alkaloids and Their Analogues a dissertation in Chemistry and Biochemistry 

Alsibaee, A. M., Al-Yousef, H. M., & Al-Salem, H. S. (2O23). Quinazolinones, the Winning Horse in Drug Discovery. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 28(3), 978. 

Cao, R.; Peng, W.; Wang, Z.; Xu, A. B-Carboline Alkaloids: Biochemical and Pharmacological Functions. Curr. Med. Chem. 2007, 14, 479-5OO. 

Alshehry, R; Rasapalli, S. Synthetic studies toward biologically active quinazolinones : a dissertation in Chemistry and Biochemistry 



Research in Biology

Human-Induced Fear in Free-Living Raccoons 

By Ruby Sanger 

This past June and July, I spent time at Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary in Wales, Massachusetts. Norcross is a large intact forest of approximately 4200 ha with restricted human access and a small 17ha area near the visitor center, where human access is permitted for hiking along 4km of natural trails. 

I intended to study the effects of human-induced fear on the foraging effects of free-living white-tailed deer, both in the human-accessible area and the forest. This design included audio treatments (human talking and birdsong) and food treatments (plain corn and plain corn mixed with molasses) at eight different stations across the sanctuary. However, after a few weeks of experimentation, there was no deer activity at any of the stations. While thorough background research was conducted to decide the most appealing foods to bait deer with, and there was known to be a high density of deer at the sanctuary, it is possible that because the forest is so dense with natural browse and plants the deer eat, they simply not interested in what was being offered. As a result, Dr. Sherriff and I decided to adapt the experiment to study the foraging behaviors of raccoons, as there were reoccurring raccoon visits at select feeding stations on the public trails. 

None of the stations with molasses had traffic, nor did any of the stations in the deep woods, so we cut the molasses treatment while adding two audio treatments (human yelling and dog barking) for a total of four treatments. The experiment was limited to the public trails of the sanctuary. 


While predators can kill prey, they can also alter prey fitness through nonconsumptive effects. The risk of predation can subsequently alter prey’s behavior, morphology, and physiology, which may all impact prey survival and reproduction. These effects may then influence prey population sizes (Sheriff et al., 2020). For example, a study by Cherry et al. (2016) showed that the presence of coyotes led to reduced lactation and ovulation in white-tailed deer, and an absence of coyotes related to an increase in feeding, lactation, and ovulation. These non-consumptive effects may reduce prey population size due to a lack of reproductive success and fecundity (Say-Sallaz et al., 2019). 

The term “landscape of fear” is defined as the spatial variation in prey perception of predation risk. These “landscapes” combine the elements of the physical environment that prey may inhabit or forage in, the predation risk and how it varies across locations, and a prey’s response to predation risk. There are generally two methods of prey response, one being avoiding areas perceived as higher risk, and the other being changes in behaviors while in the areas perceived as higher risk. The perception and fear of predation may be able to drive community-level changes within ecosystems, such as trophic cascades. (Gaynor et al., 2019). A common way to study the spatial variation resulting from risk response is by looking at giving-up densities (GUDs) and analyzing foraging behaviors within the context of risk. GUDs are used to provide insight into metabolic and predation costs of foraging by determining when an individual may stop foraging (Brown, 1987). 

In a study by Darimont et al. (2015), it has been shown that human predators kill far more prey than non-human predators, as well as killing carnivores nine times more than natural predators (Smith et al. 2017). While humans kill at an unparalleled rate, they more often affect prey behavior through disturbance (Frid, Dill 2002). Fear of humans as a “super predator” is also known to lead to behavioral changes in both predators and prey, and the subsequent effects on populations and communities may be larger than those resulting from non-human predators (Crawford et al. 2022). Experimental non-consumptive behaviors from humans have even led to a decrease in feeding times for pumas, an animal without any natural predators (Smith et al. 2017). A landscape of fear of the perception of humans can result in significant changes in wildlife behavior and community dynamics. Suraci et al. (2019) conducted studies with free-living mountain lions, bobcats, medium-sized carnivores (such as opossums and skunks) and deer mice in the Santa Cruz mountains. 

Human predation risk was simulated by using playbacks of human vocalization. The carnivore groups all experienced behavioral changes in response to perceived predation risk: avoiding areas, making temporal changes, and being less efficient in foraging. 

However, deer mice seemingly benefited from human presence; they increased space use as well as foraging intensity. The fear that the carnivores perceived affected lower trophic levels, influencing the surrounding wildlife system (Suraci et al., 2019).


i. Feeding Station Set-ups 

Figure 1: Map of the 8 feeding stations, marked on the GAIA app. 


Figure 2: Camera and speaker set-ups. The cups were used as a shield for the exposed speakers from the rain. 


Eight feeding stations were chosen among the public trails of Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary in Wales, Massachusetts (Figure 1). Each station consisted of a painted feeding bin, a field camera, and a speaker (Figure 2). 

The speaker and camera were programmed to be used together, using Arduino, so that when the camera was triggered by motion, the speaker was triggered to play a programmed playback. Two speakers were programmed to play conversational human speaking, two to play dogs barking, two to play bird songs native to the area, and two to play humans yelling. Each speaker was programmed to play at about 65-70 decibels. The camera-speaker set-ups were programmed for the speaker to trigger 20 seconds after the camera was triggered. 

80 ounces of dried whole grain corn (5 lbs) were set into the feeding tubs. Each empty tub, when closed with the lid, weighed 70 ounces. 

ii. Daily Protocol 

The stations were filled with 80 ounces of corn, and the cameras and speakers were switched on June 30th. Every morning from July 1st to July 10th, the combined weight of the corn and the tub were taken at each of the eight locations by closing the tub and weighing it with a digital fishing scale. If the weight was below 120 ounces, the corn was later refilled to the base weight of 150 ounces (80 ounces of corn plus the weight of the tub). Additionally, the SD cards in the cameras were checked to see if there was any raccoon activity or other significant animal activity during the night. The battery levels of the cameras and speakers, as well as the SD card storage amounts, were also checked every morning to ensure proper performance for the following night. In the case of heavy rain, the tubs were covered to prevent the corn from being waterlogged, which could provide inaccurate weights. 

Table 1: Key of auditory playbacks per feeding station

Feeding Station  Treatment 6/30-7/05  Treatment 7/05-7/10 
1  Talking  Birdsong 
2  Yelling  Dog barking 
3  Dog barking  Yelling 
4  Birdsong  Talking 
5  Talking  Birdsong 
6  Yelling  Dog barking 
7  Birdsong  Yelling 
8  Dog barking  Talking 

On July 5th, after 5 nights of data collection, the playback treatments were changed to different locations (Table 1). At the end of data collection, the SD cards were collected, and the feeding stations were broken down. 

iii. Data Analysis 

The footage captured from the feeding stations are currently being analyzed manually. I will be scoring for behaviors including fleeing (running/leaving quickly), leaving (walking away), looking up, head-up foraging, head-down foraging, playing, freezing, and leaving a group. There are many cases of corn being eaten by mice, chipmunks, squirrels, and occasionally deer. The footage of these animals will be used to separate their consumption from the raccoon’s consumption. Additionally, statistics of each night of the experimental run are being gathered. I am counting the total number of foraging events as well as the time spent eating each night. The footage is currently being analyzed. 


While the results are still being analyzed, information regarding how raccoons react to auditory playbacks will provide useful insight into the effectiveness of using sound as a method of pest control, as well as how small mammals such as raccoons are affected by the presence of humans. I hope to continue in this line of study and resume with the original design for studying white-tailed deer in the future. 

Works Cited 

Sheriff MJ, Peacor SD, Hawlena D, Thaker M. (2020). “Non‐consumptive predator effects on prey population size: A dearth of evidence.” Journal of Animal Ecology vol 89. 

Cherry, M. J., K. E. Morgan, B. T. Rutledge, L. M. Conner, and R. J. Warren. (2016). “Can coyote predation risk induce reproduction suppression in white-tailed deer?” Ecosphere 7(10):01481. 

Say-Sallaz, E., Chamaille-Jammes, S., Fritz, H., Valeix, M. (2019). “Non-consumptive effects of predation in large terrestrial mammals: Mapping our knowledge and revealing the tip of the iceberg.” Biological Conservation vol.235: 46-52. 

Suraci, J.P, Clinchy, M., Zanette, L.Y., Wilmers, C.C. (2019). “Fear of humans as apex predators has landscape-scale impacts from mountain lions to mice.” Ecology letters vol. 22,10: 1578-1586. 

Gaynor, K.M., Brown, J.S., Middleton, A.D., Power, M.E., Brashares, J.S. (2019). “Landscapes of Fear: Spatial Patterns of Risk Perception and Response.” Trends in ecology & evolution vol. 34,4: 355-368. 

Darimont, C.T, Fox, C.H, Bryan, H.M, Reimchen, T.E. (2015). “HUMAN IMPACTS. The unique ecology of human predators.” Science vol. 349,6250: 858-60. 

Smith J.A., Suraci J.P, Clinchy M., Crawford A., Roberts D., Zanette L.Y., Wilmers C.C. (2017). “Fear of the human ‘super predator’ reduces feeding time in large carnivores.” Proceedings. Biological sciences vol. 284,1857: 20170433. 

Frid, Alejandro, and Dill, L. (2002). “Human-Caused Disturbance Stimuli as a Form of 

Predation Risk.” Conservation Ecology, vol. 6. 

Crawford, D.A., Conner, M.L, Clinchy, M., Zanette, L.Y., Cherry, M.J. (2022). “Prey tells, large herbivores fear the human ‘super predator’.” Oecologia vol. 198,1: 91-98. 

Gaynor K., Hojnowski C., Carter N., Brashares J. (2018). “The influence of human disturbance on wildlife nocturnality.” Science vol. 360,6394 (2018): 1232-1235. 

Research in Bioengineering

Smart Microparticles for On-Demand Drug Delivery 

By Abid Neron

Drug delivery systems represent a cornerstone of contemporary medical research, particularly in addressing intractable diseases such as cancer and neurological disorders. Current treatment modalities often result in collateral damage to healthy cells, underscoring the need for targeted delivery methods. Microparticles have emerged as promising candidates for precise drug delivery. This study explores the use of PLGA microparticles, fabricated via double emulsion, for sustained vancomycin hydrochloride release. The microparticles were loaded with Indocyanine Green (ICG) for near-infraredresponsive (NIR) drug delivery. Process parameters were optimized for size, morphology, drug loading, and release kinetics. Anti-bacterial tests showed higher drug release and antibacterial efficiency when exposed to NIR light. Chitosan coating halted drug release in the absence of NIR light, demonstrating controlled, on-demand release. This system offers the potential for targeted and efficient drug delivery. 


Drug delivery systems are a crucial component of the drug manufacturing process. An effective drug is rendered useless if it fails to reach its target area. Thus, a drug delivery vehicle must be manufactured to ensure that the drug is properly administered. Traditional drug delivery methods, including oral, topical, and injection, are effective, but all have certain disadvantages, namely, poor bioavailability, instantaneous release of the drug, and lack of site-specific targeting1. These disadvantages can be mediated by using higher concentrations or continuous intaking of the specified drug, which steadily uses more drugs for treatment and can cause damage to other areas. Novel drug delivery systems have been at the forefront of bioengineering research, as finding a more effective vehicle for a drug will increase its effectiveness, thus reducing the amount of the drug needed for treatment and potential side effects. 

Microcarriers are currently spearheading novel drug delivery systems. Most notably, much research is being conducted on microparticles. They are spherical particles that are 1 to 100 μm in diameter. Microparticles have been chosen as a suitable drug delivery vector as they can be tailored to the specific task since they are highly customizable. This degree of customization is due to the different fabrication processes and the numerous materials used to manufacture them. Further, multiple materials can be used in conjunction for a higher degree of complexity when desired. Most importantly among the properties of microparticles is their ability to hold drugs inside of them. An effective drug delivery vector must have numerous properties; among them are drug encapsulation, biodegradability, biocompatibility, sustained release, and implementation of surface modifications. Depending on the fabrication, microparticles can have all these properties. 


The fabrication process is crucial for microparticles as it is the process that gives the particles their properties. Thus, when creating a microparticle for drug delivery, deliberate thought is put into the fabrication process and the desired properties. For instance, a microparticle made with a toxic polymer is rendered useless in the field of drug delivery as it will harm the patient. All microparticles made for drug delivery use a biocompatible polymer such as PLGA, Chitosan, Gelatin, and PCL. Further, surface modifications can be implemented to help increase uptake of the drug by the cells or to target certain cells. Targeted drug delivery increases the effectiveness of the treatment. Lack of site targeting can lead to the drug not working effectively or having undesirable consequences. The most infamous treatment that lacks targeting delivery is Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cells, a property of cancerous cells. However, it is also a property of hair, skin, and gastrointestinal tract cells. This causes multiple side effects that wouldn’t occur if Chemotherapy only targeted the cancerous cells. 

Microparticles are potential candidates for cancer treatment. They can be modified for targeted drug delivery because cancerous cells can be targeted since they express certain proteins and have special receptors. A biocompatible microparticle fabricated with an effective anti-cancer drug and a specific targeting ligand could revolutionize the way cancer is treated. While cancer treatment is a major application for microparticle-mediated drug delivery, other important applications include treatment for neurological disorders, diabetes, and respiratory and inflammatory diseases.

Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) is the most widely used polymer for microparticle fabrication due to its biocompatibility and FDA approval. PLGA is a co-polymer, meaning it is made using two different monomers: Lactic Acid and Glycolic Acid. The ratio of both these monomers affects the properties of PLGA, giving an extra layer of customization in the fabrication process. Among the properties affected by the ratios is the rate of biodegradation, which increases with the increase of Glycolic Acid. In addition, it supports numerous fabrication methods as well as surface modifications and has good drug encapsulation properties. 

Near-infrared (NIR) light, which includes wavelengths from 800 to 2,500 nm, is invisible to the naked eye. Indocyanine Green (ICG) is a photothermal material and thus will react with certain wavelengths of light and convert light energy into heat energy. This central concept was utilized in fabricating the microparticles for targeted drug release, as the use of NIR light in PLGA-ICG particles should accelerate drug release, providing a vessel for on-demand delivery. To further prevent drug elution, chitosan-coated microparticles were fabricated as well. The chitosan should prevent drugs from eluting except when exposed to NIR light due to the photothermal reaction occurring. 


Microparticles Fabrication: 

The PLGA-ICG-Van. HCl microparticles were fabricated using the double emulsion method as shown in Figure 1, with the external phase being 1% PVA. 

Figure 1: Schematic for Fabrication of PLGA-ICG-Van.HCl microparticles 


Drug Release: 

To test for drug release from the MPs, 10 mg of fabricated PLGA MPs containing ICG and Van.HCl was placed into a 2 ml solution of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with a pH of 7.4 inside a Cytivia dialysis kit with a cut-off of 8 kDa. The microparticles were exposed to near-infrared (NIR) light at a wavelength of 808nm. The experiment set up is shown in Figure 2. Sample absorbance values were recorded, and a vancomycin hydrochloride standard curve was used to determine the drug’s concentration. 

Figure 2: Drug Release Set Up 


Anti-Bacterial Activity: 

Escherichia coli S17 (E. coli) was cultured in LB broth and incubated overnight at 37°C at 250 RPM for 24 hours. Fresh bacterial cultures were prepared for each antibacterial test using the previously refreshed culture. For the antibacterial test, a new batch of bacteria was cultured overnight until reaching an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.5, corresponding to approximately 8 × 10^8 cells/ml. In a microcentrifuge tube, 10 mg of microparticles were combined with 1 ml of LB broth and inoculated with 10 µl of the bacterial culture. Each microparticle group was tested in duplicate: one sample was exposed to NIR light at 1 W for 30 minutes, while the other sample was not exposed to NIR light. To ensure consistency, the unexposed sample was kept at room temperature for 30 minutes. Both samples were then incubated at 37°C for 2 hours. After incubation, 100 µl of each sample was spread onto an LB agar plate and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours to allow visualization of bacterial growth where bacterial colonies were counted. A control group prepared using the same protocol but without microparticles, was included for comparison. 


I: Microparticle Fabrication: 

Four different microparticle concentrations were fabricated: PVI2, PVI4, PVI5, and PVI6. Each variation had a different concentration of ICG. ICG concentrations can be found in Table 1. 225 mg of PLGA and 75 mg were used for the fabrication of all the microparticles. PVI4 was chosen to be coated with chitosan as it was found to have the highest drug release (Figure 3) and the highest antibacterial activity (Figure 4). 

Table 1: ICG Concentrations in Microparticle Variations 

Variation  ICG Concentration (mg) 
PVI2  3.875 
PVI4  38.75 
PVI5  19.375 
PVI6  7.75 


II. Drug Release:

Vancomycin hydrochloride release for each microparticle variation with and without exposure to NIR light can be seen in Figure 3. NIR light-exposed samples consistently have a higher drug release. The PVI4 exposed to NIR light had the highest drug release, followed by the PVI4 sample not exposed to NIR light. 

Figure 3: Vancomycin Hydrochloride Release for Each Microparticle Variation 


III. Antibacterial Activity: 

Antibacterial activity, when subjected to microparticles, is utilized as a visualization of the microparticles’ drug release and to further verify the drug release results. It is used as an in vitro test for fabricated microparticles. Antibacterial activity is shown by the number of colonies present on the LB agar plate. The resulting colony counts are found in Figure 4. Chitosan-coated particles’ antibacterial activity can be seen in Figure 5. 

Figure 4: Bacterial Colonies Counted for each Microparticle Variation 

Figure 5: Bacterial Colonies Counted for Chitosan Coated PVI4 


The microparticles exhibited good drug encapsulation and drug release with varying results depending on the specific variation used. Fabrication of four variations of the microparticles with differing ICG content demonstrated the effects of ICG in drug release when subjected to NIR light. PVI4 had the highest drug release and antibacterial activity as the ICG accelerated the release and deterioration of the PLGA microparticles. The uncoated samples released vancomycin hydrochloride almost instantly when subjected to solution. To mitigate undesired drug release, chitosan-coated microparticles released less vancomycin hydrochloride when not exposed to NIR light. Meanwhile, when exposed to NIR light, the vancomycin hydrochloride was released in a larger concentration. The concentration of drug release is less than its uncoated counterpart (PVI4). Chitosan-coated PLGA – ICG microparticles are potentially an excellent candidate for targeted and on-demand drug release as the drug inside is trapped and released when subjected to NIR light. Both drug release and antibacterial activity further emphasize the potential applications of PLGA – ICG microparticles in drug delivery. 

Future Directions

Further research into the usage of unstable drugs such as alkylating agents must be undertaken. Cancer drugs are unstable and further modifications to the microparticles might be needed for the PLGA to hold these drugs. Moreover, further in vitro testing with mammalian cell lines is needed. Finally, specific cell targeting surface modifications on the microparticles will enhance the targeting of the microparticles to the desired cell. 


I would like to thank Mr. Mishal Pokharel, a BMEBT Ph.D. student; without his guidance and expertise, this project wouldn’t have existed. He invited me into his lab and allowed me to assist with his Ph.D. project, for which these results were gathered for. I’d also like to thank Dr. Tracie Ferreira for being an extraordinary supervisor and always being open to my questions and new ideas. Finally, I’d like to thank the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Honors College for their generous support and for believing in me and my project. Their funding allowed the continuation of this project.




Research in Art and Design

Through Another Lens 

By Omauri Byron-Edwards

Through Another Lens is an independent Art and Design project, funded by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR). The focus of this project was to create dialogue and context to different themes of the human experience such as mental health, interpersonal relationships, and the relationship between society and intersectionality. My research is guided by two questions: a) What environment or factors influence a college students’ mental health? and b) How does society influence our perceptions of race, sexuality, class and gender? 

The significance of Through Another Lens involves the start of challenging discussions between students and families while portraying identities overlooked in Art History. Themes such as mental health, interpersonal relationships, and intersectionality are critical. A lack of comprehension for any of them results in obstacles in how they navigate their own life, as well as understanding other people and their truth. 

Thanks to OUR, I received funds, and I was alleviated of financial endeavors to obtain my materials. This allowed me to focus solely on my body of work during the summer of 2024. 


I started the process by brainstorming ideas to answer my research questions. I narrowed my inquiry to focus on the loneliness of college students, stress from academic obligations, and the relationship between black men and toxic masculinity. After gathering sources, I reached out for volunteers to be models for my paintings. This required meeting up together, discussing my questions, staging reference photos, and setting up backgrounds and props. After gathering all this information, I made sketches to decide on a final composition relating to each concept.  

Securing the funds from OUR, I utilized new art materials to create my paintings, along with my reference photos and final drawing as a guiding point. 

Process photo of Omauri Byron-Edwards painting. 


“solitude” by Omauri Byron-Edwards, 36”x 24”, oil on canvas, 2024. 


The intention of this painting is to answer my first research question relating to factors impacting the mental health of college students. Many assume that students living on campus share the mutual goal of education and this creates an easy avenue to interact with one another. However, this is simply not the case. Students are often met with obstacles to engaging in social lives. In 2007, research conducted on 268 university students determined that psychological well-being was one of the main factors of predicting loneliness. (Bhagchandani 2017). 

There are obstacles such as academic pressure, social anxiety, introversion, living away from home for the first time, or recipients of friendships not being interested. This makes the process of making friends more difficult and overwhelming, causing emotional discomfort. College students enter what could be considered the most harsh and confusing part of adulthood. Part of one’s survival is to have the social connection that is desired, to make us feel appreciated, understood, and vulnerable. Loneliness causes students to feel empty inside, alone, and unwanted. This heavily impacts how they value themselves, interpersonal relationships along the way, and other symptoms such as depression. 

malachite” by Omauri Byron-Edwards, 36”x 24, oil on canvas, 2024. 


This painting focuses on the second research question about society’s relationship with race, gender, sexuality, and class. Specifically, the painting explores society’s relationship with black men, and how society perpetuates toxic masculinity to black men.  

There are combinations of systems set up among Black men involving cultural and social factors. Black men exist in a society where their identities are portrayed by harmful stereotypes, exhibiting aggression and hypermasculinity. The misrepresentation from media and communities molds societal expectations and perceptions, thus solidifying toxic beliefs about what masculinity is. This started a cultural stigma that would discourage Black men’s expression, emotion, and vulnerability. As black men are desperate to protect and assert their identity, many would adapt to the norms that were designed for them. Consequently, they fall victim to a toxic cycle of emphasizing dominance, violence, and emotional suppression. To emphasize the danger of toxic masculinity, I chose to involve an abstraction of a toxic stone called malachite as a symbol of society’s expectations for black male identities. 

Black men aren’t monoliths, and we must understand the importance of experiencing identity development as oneself. When black men become more open to complexity and engage in healthier behaviors, such as expressing emotions and vulnerability, it restores the representation and mental well-being of our identities. 

“cortisol” by Omauri Byron-Edwards. 36”x 24”, oil and collage on canvas, 2024. 


This piece reflects on the relationship college students have with academic stress, which negatively impacts their mental health. Presently, students struggle with staying accustomed to their competitive academic environment. This is all while students also face constant pressure from financial burdens, future employment, and career decisions. These significant obstacles inflict alarming amounts of stress, which impacts their mental and physical wellbeing. In an article from Transformation Education, a study shows that over 60 percent of students report feeling stressed daily, indicating a high amount of stress among the student body.  

With this alarming rate of stress among student populations, this calls for action in which institutions address their students’ problems and create better support systems so they can navigate their academic careers easier. 


As far as the question of what’s next for Through Another Lens, I will continue the series. As my research questions are complex and broad, there are more ideas that I want to expand on. Through my process of this project, I received massive support and great reactions to my work. Many students on campus shared how they felt validated by the subject matter in my work such as loneliness, depression, or academic stress. Personally, I think it’s important to have work such as Through Another Lens, not just because it conveys a message, but because it’s a contribution to the community. By opening discussions between other students that relate to my themes, communities could gather new perspectives and challenge their thinking. 


Bhagchandani, Revati K. Effect of Loneliness on the Psychological Well-Being of College Students, Jan. 2017, 

Etowa, Josephine, et al. “De-problematizing masculinity among heterosexual African, Caribbean, and Black Male Youth and men.” Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 113, no. 4, 15 Mar. 2022, pp. 611–621, 

Diversity, National Center for Institutional, et al. “Let’s Discuss the Complexities of Black Masculinities.” Medium, Spark: Elevating Scholarship on Social Issues, 25 June 2024, 

“Lonely Students at Greater Risk of Mental Health Problems, Study Finds.” Targeted News Service, 2017. “Student Stress Statistics [2024 Update].” Transforming Education for People, 23 Sept. 2024,,major%20contributor%20to%20student%20stress. 

Research in Bioengineering

Suicide Vectors for allelic exchange in Cellulophaga Lytica

By Mehul Puri


C. Lytica 

The gram-negative marine-based bacteria C. lytica has a genome of 3,765,936 base pairs, including 3,303 protein-coding genes and 55 RNA genes (Pati et al., 2011). It can grow in a wide range of temperatures between 4 °C and 40 °C in an 8% NaCl concentration with optimal growth between 22 °C to 30 °C (Pati et al., 2011). In the absence of flagella and pili, C. lytica cells depend on gliding motility to transport themselves. This translocation mechanism is also used to form biofilm colonies, which consist of colonies of C. lytica cells that can grow on non- biological surfaces such as rocks and metals. This allows them to survive in hostile environments and colonize new environments with ease. (Hall-Stoodley et al., 2004). 

Additionally, biofilm colonies serve as a foundation for larvae growth due to chemical and physical cues (Unabia et al., 1999). The formation of biofilm colonies by C. lytica also produces iridescence or coloration created by light reflection on intricately organized cells resembling crystals, as shown in Figure 1 (DeSimone, 2021). Though this iridescence has not been observed in natural environments, it has been observed in colonies grown in lab environments, and the significance of this iridescence in nature has not been elucidated to date. It is one of the identifiers or markers of biofilm colonies for C. lytica cells (Kientz et al., 2016). 

Figure 1. Colonies of C. lytica grown on Black ink plates (Adapted from M. DeSimone’s thesis, DeSimone 2021) 


This study hypothesizes that deletion of the GldB gene in the bacteria Cellulophaga Lytica is responsible for gliding motility and can disrupt the formation of colonies. The ability to disrupt the formation of uniform colonies of C. lytica can impact the biofilm formation and allow us to control the iridescence of the bacteria. 


Designing the Vector 

In this project, the PYT313 suicide vector (Donated by a collaborator’s lab, Dr. Yontao Zhu, Minnesota State University Mankato) was used as it works with F. johnsoniae related to C. lytica. The suicide vector, as shown in Figure 2, contains sacB and the promoter of F. johnsoniae, ompA, which is used to construct chromosomal gene deletions specific to gliding (Zhu, 2017). Additionally, PYT313 is resistant to the antibiotic ampicillin due to the presence of AmpR. 

Figure 2. The plasmid map of PYT313 donated by Dr. Yongtao Zhu indicating the presence of the sacB, erythromycin resistance (ermF), and the promoter of F. johnsoniae, ompA (Zhu et al., 2017). 

Four primers are designed to isolate the GldB (gliding motility) gene within the C. Lytica DNA and are then used to create a new suicide vector using PYT313. As shown in figure 3, primers a and d contain restriction enzyme sites on their 3’ and 5’ sites, respectively. These sites correspond to specified restriction enzyme sites on the PYT313 vector. Primers c and d are homologous 1 kb upstream and downstream of the GldB gene from the start and stop codons, respectively. Through three polymerase chain reactions (PCR), the AB fragment and CD fragment are used to create the AD fragment which contains the GldB gene with restriction enzyme sites upstream and downstream of the DNA (Francis et al.). 


Figure 3. Four primers are designed for Overlap PCR. Through two PCR rounds, the gene is removed from the bacteria C. Lytica and ligated onto the PYT313 suicide vector. Figure from (Francis et al.). 

Then, through double digestion, the PYT313 vector is digested at the two specified restriction enzyme sites. After running the gel purification through electrophoresis, the larger digested PYT313 DNA is extracted and ligated with the AD fragment containing the GldB gene. This creates a new vector specifically designed to replace the GldB gene within C. Lytica with an inactive copy of the gene through transformation and conjugation processes (Francis et al.). 

Transformation and Conjugation 

Bacterial transformation is the process of environmental DNA uptake by competent cells. In this project, chemically competent E. Coli S17 λ Pir cells are used to uptake the GldB gene-inclusive PYT313 suicide vector. S17 cells allow for better DNA transfer during conjugation, which is why DNA uptake during transformation is crucial for GldB gene deletion. (Chen et al.) Then, the transformed E. Coli S17 cells are conjugated with C. Lytica cells for a direct transfer of DNA. 

Bacterial conjugation directly transfers genetic material from the E. Coli S17 λ Pir cells to the C. Lytica. During the conjugation, the mutant GldB gene is introduced to the recipient C. Lytica. As shown in figure 4, a two-step homologous recombinant event occurs: first and second crossover. 

During the first crossover, C. Lytica acquires the plasmid from the S17 cells, including the ampicillin antibiotic resistance. The conjugated bacteria is isolated using antibiotics, and a second crossover event occurs using the SacB sucrose counter-selection gene. During this event, the remaining part of the vector is removed from the C. Lytica, including the ampicillin resistance, leaving behind the mutant GldB gene or a wild-type GldB gene. Colony PCR is then conducted to differentiate between the two outcomes. C. Lytica cells with mutant GldB gene are grown and tested for results (Old Reliable: Two-Step Allelic Exchange by Bitesize Bio). 

Figure 4. Two Step Homologous Recombinant Event occurs, creating two types of bacteria. First conjugated C. Lytica has a wild-type allele, and second has the desired mutant allele. Adapted from Old Reliable: Two-Step Allelic Exchange by Bitesize Bio. 

Projected Outcome 

To test if the combination of DNA transfer is successful, the conjugated C. Lytica cells are introduced to antibiotic ampicillin. If the cells survive, the conjugation was successful, otherwise the cells would deteriorate. Additionally, successful conjugation will result in the C. Lytica cells losing their ability of iridescence. 


Spring 2024 

During the Spring 2024 semester, getting results on the transformation and conjugation was emphasized rather than altering the PYT313 to create a new vector. C. Lytica and PYT313 were grown in BB2 Agar and LB Agar plates respectively, as shown in Figure 5. Afterwards, a 50 ml culture was made using the colonies from both plates. Additionally, a 50 ml culture of S17 λ pir cells was grown for transformation. Transformation protocol was conducted using the S17 cells and PYT313. Transforming the S17 λ pir cells using the PYT313 was successful as it resulted in colony growth on LB Agar plates. Colony growth on multiple plates with antibiotic present is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5. Growth of C. Lytica and PYT313 in BB2 Agar and LB Agar plates. LB Agar plate has ampicillin antibiotic added to it which demonstrates PYT313 ampicillin resistance. 

Figure 6. LB Agar plates with PYT313 suicide vector transformed S17 λ pir cells. Growth shows successful transformation due to the presence of antibiotic ampicillin. 

However, conjugation was unsuccessful, as no growth was present in the Conjugation Plates after a week of incubating. This could be due to multiple factors such as too many antibiotics or less cell density of C. Lytica or transformed S17 cells before conjugation. Additionally, due to time constraints, multiple trials of transformation and conjugation could not be completed. 

Summer 2024 

During Summer 2024, our aim is to establish which primers to use for the PYT313 for the two- step allelic exchange and complete successful transformation and conjugation with the new vector. Because we know transformation is possible, and conjugation can also be achieved with multiple trials, we hope to achieve complete deletion/replacement of the GldB by the end of summer. Additionally, the OUR grants have greatly enhanced this project by providing funds for resources and have made my research goals possible.


ChenInês, et al. “The Ins and Outs of DNA Transfer in Bacteria.” Science, vol. 310, no. 5753, 2 Dec. 2005, pp. 1456–1460,, 

DeSimone, Mark, Development of Genetic Engineering Tools for the Iridescent Bacteria Cellulophaga lytica, A Thesis (2021) 

 Francis, Matthew S, et al. “Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Its Application in Studying the Interactions of T3S Components.” Methods in Molecular Biology, 12 Nov. 2016, pp. 11–31,, 

Accessed 13 June 2024. 

Hall-Stoodley, L., Costerton, J. W., & Stoodley, P. (2004). Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2(2), 95–108. 

Kientz, B. et al. A unique self-organization of bacterial sub-communities creates iridescence in Cellulophaga lytica colony biofilms. Sci. Rep. 6, 19906; doi: 10.1038/srep19906 (2016). 

McBride, M. J., & Zhu, Y. (2013). Gliding Motility and Por Secretion System Genes Are Widespread among Members of the Phylum Bacteroidetes. Journal of Bacteriology, 195(2), 270–278. 

“Old Reliable: Two-Step Allelic Exchange.” Bitesize Bio, 17 July 2018, exchange/#:~:text=The%20idea%20behind%20suicide%20vectors,understandably%2C%20can’t %20replicate. 

Pati, A., Abt, B., Teshima, H., Nolan, M., Lapidus, A., Lucas, S., Hammon, N., Deshpande, S., Cheng, J.-F., Tapia, R., Han, C., Goodwin, L., Pitluck, S., Liolios, K., Pagani, I., Mavromatis, K., Ovchinikova, G., Chen, A., Palaniappan, K., & Land, M. (2011). Complete genome sequence of Cellulophaga lytica type strain (LIM-21T). Standards in Genomic Sciences, 4(2), 221–232.

Unabia, C., Hadfield, M. Role of bacteria in larval settlement and metamorphosis of the polychaete Hydroides elegans. Marine Biology 133, 55–64 (1999).

Research in Sociology

The Impact Green Spaces Have on Mental and Physical Health: Buttonwood Park and Riverside Park

By Faith Unwin



This research focuses on the economic differences between two parks in New Bedford and how they affect people’s mental and physical health. Buttonwood Park and Riverside Park are in two economically different parts of New Bedford, but both provide their populations with green space to exercise and play. According to Barton, et al., (2017, p.80), “[Green space] is an umbrella term used to describe either maintained or unmaintained environment areas, which can include nature reserves, wilderness environments, and urban parks.” The park’s communities exhibit differences in average income, race, and housing. Buttonwood Park sits on the border of New Bedford and Dartmouth, with a community of high-income earners and primarily single-family homes surrounding it. Frederick Law Olmsted created this park in 1895, and its different elements of nature and activity have been well-funded since (The Friends of Buttonwood Park). The city built Riverside Park in the early 2000s on the north end of New Bedford, along the Acushnet River. The houses surrounding Riverside Park are primarily triple-decker homes, with a large community of members in the working class. Historically, older Portuguese families lived near the park, but more recently, Central American immigrant families have settled there. Ramirez (2022) describes this area as “an area burdened by disproportionate climate and public health impacts.” People of this community may face stronger economic challenges compared to other areas. Economic differences play a huge role, not just in people’s individual lives but in communities. 

This research aims to understand whether the differences between the communities affect who and how many people visit the parks. All community members should have the ability to go outside in a safe environment with enough space to be active. Green spaces provide “creative opportunities for open space preservation that could help connect the community and revitalize its economy and social connectivity” (EPA). However, some areas may find it more difficult to do this because of their location and resources. With some parks being in different areas, there may be differing opinions on when to use the parks and for what reasons. According to Grinspan, et al., (2020), green spaces have many benefits, including climate control, community involvement, exercise, and relaxation. Both parks seemingly provide these benefits to their areas as they are green spaces, but they are different. They are very spacious, but they do not all have the same qualities. Both parks have basketball courts, a walking trail, a playground, benches, and other green spaces where you can enjoy nature and perform other activities. In addition, Buttonwood Park has a greenhouse, zoo, senior center, pond, and numerous monuments. The only additional attraction Riverside Park has is a skateboard park, and it is located on the Acushnet River. Although parks do not need the same attractions, Buttonwood Park may have the advantage of possibly attracting more people. One also must consider whether the additional attractions at Buttonwood Park result from the park’s location and the economic differences. This project reflects ideas from researchers and their findings on green spaces as well as their effect on people’s health. It will also use researchers’ findings on why green spaces are created and will discuss the hands-on research in the two parks and how people involved with the park feel it contributes to their lives.  


I collected ethnographic data through observations, participant surveys, and semi-structured participant interviews. I collected this data at Riverside Park and Buttonwood Park, visiting on multiple days at various times. I began with observations, then moved to participant data collections after understanding roughly how many people visit the parks and at what times. 

This project has collaborated with the New Bedford Parks, Recreation, and Beaches Department. I will share the collected data with them so they can better understand the surrounding or adjacent communities and determine how to meet their needs. They want to provide the communities with what they want and need to the best of their abilities, and this will help them. The department wants safe spaces for people living in New Bedford, and they want to make sure they are sufficiently meeting the members’ needs for physical and mental health activities and spaces. 

The methods of collecting data underwent an approval process with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The IRB needed to approve the survey and interview questions, consent forms for the interviews, and the cover letters for the surveys. This process was necessary since human subjects were involved, and the privacy and confidentiality of their identities must be protected. Although the interview questions do not ask for identifiable information, participants must still sign a form agreeing to be recorded for the interview.  

I made sure to visit both parks during the same time of day and under similar weather conditions. I observed who was in the park, the demographics of park users, and what they were doing. After completing observations, I began conducting surveys and interviews at both parks. There were 23 survey questions (see Appendix A) and 10 interview questions (see Appendix B). 

Data Analysis

Many people visit Buttonwood Park throughout the day. Based on observations, approximately 43 people were using the park from 7:00  to 9:00 in the morning. Based on what was observed, it seemed as though the majority (38) of people were white, 1 person was black, 1 person was Asian, and 3 other people’s race could not be determined due to hoods and distance. All appeared to be adults over 18 years old. Most people were walking or jogging the perimeter paths alone, with friends, or with dogs. Of the people utilizing the paths, 19 were men, and 17 were women. People of all ages were at the park, but many seemed to be over 60 years old. 7 people were outside of the Senior Center, likely getting ready to go inside. Due to the park’s size, I had to drive around the park multiple times to count park users accurately. 

During the afternoon, there were approximately 102 people at the park within the two-hour window. 78 were adults over 18 years old, while 27 were minors. Again, the majority (around 90) of people were white, 5 were black, 5 were Latino, and 2 were Asian. Most people were in their 30s and 40s, with the exception of minors who were accompanied by adults. Most were utilizing the walking paths, though some were using the playground, open field (for a girls’ youth soccer practice) and going in and out of the senior center. The colder weather on this day may have impacted playground usage as only a few people were using it.  

Early morning observations at Riverside Park differed from observations from Buttonwood Park. 9 adults were observed using the park. Approximately 3 people were white, 2 were black, 3 were Latino, and 1 was too far away to be seen. 5 people were walking or jogging on the path, 2 appeared to be using the park as a shortcut to work while carrying work bags, and 2 people were playing soccer. Only one person appeared to be female while everyone else was male. Additionally, 10 high school-age students were waiting for the bus. They were standing outside the park bounds. 

Riverside Park proved to be a busy park in the afternoon. There were approximately 81 people at this park between the two hours; 51 of them were adults over the age of 18, and 30 were minors. In contrast to Buttonwood Park, the majority (57) of people were Latino, while there was a much smaller number of white people (13) and black people (8), and again, there were people (3) whose race could not be determined. Approximately 14 people were by the playground, 47 were on the soccer field, 18 were using the walking path, and 2 were at the skatepark. According to these results, usage of the park was evenly distributed among the park’s amenities and area.  

Over 2 days, 20 survey responses were collected from users of Buttonwood Park. Based on results from the people willing to participate, 80% identified as white, 15% as Latino/Hispanic, and 5% as mixed races (See Graph 1). 70% were female, 25% male, and 5% non-binary. Most participants were 60 years old or older (30%), in their 30’s (30%), or in their 40’s (25%). Only 1 person was between 19 and 24 years old, 25 and 29 years old, and in their 50’s. In terms of marital status, 55% were married/partnered, 40% were single/divorced, and 5% were widowed. 75% of people lived in households with 3 or more people, 15% lived with 2 people in their household, and 10% lived alone.  

Graph 1: Percentages of respondents’ identified race at Buttonwood Park. 

Graph 1: Percentages of respondents’ identified race at Buttonwood Park. 

Regarding income, of those living alone, 5 people who responded were below the median Massachusetts personal income of $49,746. For multi-income households (14), 57.1% were above, 21.4% were around, and 21.4% were below the median Massachusetts household income of $93,550 (See graph 2). 1 person chose not to respond to either question about income. 25% had no children under 18 years old living with them, while 30% had 1 child, 25% had 2 children, and 20% had 3 or more children. 75% of people owned their homes, while 25% rented. 

Graph 2: Percentages of how much a multi-income family makes of Buttonwood Park visitors. 

Outside of demographics, there were questions focusing on park usage. One of the survey questions asked how frequently people visited the park. 45% said “often,” 35% said “sometimes,” and 20% answered “rarely” (see Graph 3). Popular times were afternoons (90%), before 9am (15%), 9am-12pm (15%), and evenings (5%). Everybody felt safe at the park, but 1 person expressed  concern about the lack of lights in the park at nighttime. 80% of people would not visit the park at night. 84.2% of people said they would not send their children or grandchildren alone to the park. Only 15% of people feel the park is not kept clean. The other 85% think it is clean and 94.7% feel the structures are well-maintained. 50% of people walk the path, 35% play a sport or watch their friends and family play a sport, 10% bird-watch, 15% sit and read, and 30% bring their kids to the playground (See Graph 4). 63.2% felt community members took care of the park more than the city while the other 36.8% felt the city took better care. Only 20% were aware of the “Friends of Buttonwood.” 

Graph 4: Activities performed by participants at Buttonwood Park. 

There was a section at the end of the survey asking for comments from the participants. Of the 5 comments, the city and community were both acknowledged for their maintenance. Participants suggested more frequent grass cutting, adding restrooms inside the park, improving park cleanliness, and upgrading the playground equipment. Overall, everyone praised the park, its location, quietness, and cleanliness. 


Picture 1: Collecting Survey and Interview Responses at Buttonwood Park 

Over 3 trips were made to Riverside Park to collect 20 survey responses. Respondents identified as Black (35%), White (40%), and Latino/Hispanic (40%), with some selecting multiple races (See Graph 5). 55% were female, and 45% were male. Most were in their 30s (65%) or 40s (10%), with few other age groups represented. 80% were married or partnered, and 20% were single or divorced. 90% had 3 or more people in their household. 

Graph 5: Percentages of respondents identified race at Riverside Park. 

Only two people responded for single-income households; both were below the Massachusetts median personal income. For multi-income households (18), 38.9% reported making around the median and 61.1% reported making below that income (See Graph 6). 15% had no children under the age of 18 living with them, 45% had 1 child, 35% had 2 children, and 5% had 3 or more children. 35% of people owned their homes, and 65% rented.  

Graph 6: Percentages of how much a multi-income family makes of Riverside Park visitors. 

Park usage and visitation differed slightly from Buttonwood Park. 55% visited sometimes, 25% often, and 20% rarely. Most visited in the afternoon, with fewer people visiting in the mornings (5% before 9:00 a.m., 10% between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.), and in the evenings (10%) (See Graph 7). Everyone felt safe at the park; however, 75% of people would not visit at night and 90% would not let their children go to the park alone. 75% felt the park was clean and all felt the park structures were well-maintained. Activities included playing a sport or watching friends and family play a sport (55%), bringing their children (45%), walking alone or with someone else (25%), birdwatching (10%), and reading (20%). 55% of people felt the city provided more care than the community. 84.2% were unaware of the “friends groups,” and after learning about them, 89.5% of people said they would like a “friend group” for Riverside Park. Only one person wrote in the comment section requesting increased police presence at the park during its busiest hours.  

Graph 8: Activities performed by participants at Riverside Park. 

Picture 2: Collecting Survey and Interview Responses at Riverside Park 

Buttonwood Park’s respondents to the interview questions were alike regarding their positive feelings about the park and what they felt could be added or taken better care of. Everyone felt it was safe and had plenty of space for activities. Some people only visit this park, though a few said they have traveled to others for new experiences or convenience. Everyone said they visited the park for its space and ability to relax and have fun. It was described as a great all-season park for its numerous amenities. When asked about their opinions on green spaces, everyone said they are important, and the world needs more. One person said, “We are paving the world” and there are not as many green spaces as before. Another person acknowledged the promotion of health and safety that comes from green spaces. 

No one would allow their children or grandchildren to visit the park alone. Two people attributed this to the day and age we live in. One person reflected on when they grew up, saying if it was around the 1970’s, then they would send them alone. Three people said it is due to their young age and fear of them getting stolen or hurt. These concerns are not specific to the park but general feelings. None of the participants would visit the park at night because of possible danger. One long-time resident of the area mentioned the park previously not having a good reputation at nighttime and attributed this to why they won’t visit at night. Another concern is the lighting around the area and it being too dark. In terms of safety concerns, other than suggesting a fenced-in playground, there were no major concerns. 

Not everyone could speak on the funding of the park, but some felt there must be more funding for this park due to its location and how well-maintained it is. One person said they believe there could always be more funding for green spaces and for Buttonwood Park, and they would like to see public restrooms. They understood the possible concern of homeless people camping in there or vandalism and suggested an electronic lock with a phone number to access the bathroom. This person also suggested more maintenance work on the playground. Overall, everyone enjoys the park and believes it is well taken care of by both the city and the “Friends of Buttonwood.”  

Additionally, everyone talked about how the park benefits their physical and mental health, as well as their children and grandchildren. Exercise, relaxation, and positive feelings come from being at the park and are what they enjoy so much. All respondents see the impact it has on their children and grandchildren. Mentioned activities included walking, playing on the playground, and summer evening yoga classes. People find the overall park positively affects their well-being and their children or grandchildren.  

Similar to Buttonwood Park, participants from Riverside Park had the same positive feelings regarding it. Only one respondent said they have traveled to other parks for experience, but prefer Riverside’s location, stating they would still visit if it was smaller. Another said they came here for the soccer field since none existed near their home in Dartmouth. All respondents stated they come to the park for convenience, experience, and the amenities it offers. Every participant felt safe when visiting and felt the park had a great amount of space. They all believe in the importance of green spaces and the necessity of more for people’s health benefits and the environment. 

When asked about allowing their children to go alone to the park, only one person said they would send their children alone, but not at night. Another said if their children were older, they could go alone. Safety concerns of the world today were also a factor for some people. Also, the frequent sightings of emergency vehicles, homeless people, and drug users were reasons cited for not sending their children alone. Participants had no concerns about allowing their children to visit the park at night if they were together. Without bringing the children, no one had concerns about visiting by themselves at night, although one person did say they would be more vigilant than if they went to a park in Dartmouth.  

Two participants think Riverside Park receives more funding because of the enclosed turf soccer field. Another person believes all New Bedford parks receive the same amount of funding, which is not enough in their opinion. They would like to see more maintenance work, especially on the water fountains that do not work when the splash pads are on in the summer. This person would also like to see a “friends group” started for the park. More than one person mentioned wanting the park cleaner, with less broken glass, and for homeless people to stop using the splash pads to shower and leave a mess. 

Similar to Buttonwood Park, almost everyone felt Riverside Park positively impacts their own and their children’s mental and physical health. This park is seen as a great available space by everyone. Only one person did not see an impact on their own mental health, but they do believe it impacts their child’s mental health since the child uses the park more.


Buttonwood Park and Riverside Park are both very lively, especially in the afternoon; however, there were differences in the demographics of visitors, particularly in race and gender. There were more white people at Buttonwood Park while there were more Latinos at Riverside Park. There was an even number of men and women observed at Buttonwood, while a majority of Riverside’s visitors were men. Results also show that activity at Buttonwood was geared towards the walking path, whereas the soccer field saw the most usage at Riverside. Walking paths at Buttonwood were primarily used for walking with some riding bikes. Riverside’s path was used for walking, bike riding, and skateboarding. Lastly, there was also a big difference in the ages of visitors between the two parks. The afternoon hours at Buttonwood saw more older adults (30s/40s) while Riverside saw more minors with more use of the playground.  

There were notable differences in survey responses between the two parks. The first notable difference is collecting responses at Riverside Park took one extra day. Riverside Park had more racial diversity and a more even split between females and males, while responses from Buttonwood Park were skewed heavily toward white women. There was an approximate 30-year age gap between responses, with respondents from Buttonwood being older on average. There were more divorced or single people at Buttonwood Park, ] one being a widow, whereas more people at Riverside Park were married or partnered. All single people from both parks said they make below the median Massachusetts personal income of $49,746. For married persons, no one from Riverside Park said they make above the median Massachusetts household income of $93,550; however, there were a few responses stating ‘above’ from Buttonwood Park. Child household percentages were similar. Housing status differed; most people from Buttonwood Park owned homes, while most people from Riverside Park rented. The afternoon was the busiest time for both parks, though some respondents visited at other times. Everyone felt safe at the parks and there was a mutual feeling of not wanting to visit at night. Most people from both parks would not send their children alone. People felt structures were well-maintained at both parks. Only a few more people at Buttonwood Park said they feel that the community takes more care of the park. Most participants from both parks had never heard about the “friends groups,” but most were interested in it. Many things are similar in this study, with the exception of the demographics involved. 

When reviewing the interview responses from both parks, there were both similarities and differences. Everyone felt safe and comfortable at the parks with positive feelings about the amenities and space provided. Both parks were described as wonderful green spaces that provided health, relaxation, and helped the environment. Most respondents said they would not send their children alone to the park and though reasons for this varied, general safety concerns were the number one reason. Everyone also recognized the mental and physical benefits the parks provide to them, especially their children and grandchildren.  

Differences primarily included park use, beliefs about funding, and desired improvements. Many people at Buttonwood Park had general safety concerns that did not pertain specifically to the park but to today’s world, while people at Riverside Park had concerns regarding homeless people, drug use, and uneasy feelings from emergency vehicle sightings. This is not to say there are no homeless people at Buttonwood Park. A person outside of the research collected shared that they had seen tents in the wooded area of Buttonwood Park and on a side street. Though people are unaware, this is important to note because it shows that homeless people can camp at any kind of park in any area.  

People seemed to have different beliefs about funding. Some people felt Riverside Park receives more funding because of the turf soccer field, while others said they believed Buttonwood receives more funding because of its location. In terms of improvements, people at Buttonwood mentioned playground upgrades and restrooms being added to the park. Riverside Park respondents expressed wanting better maintenance of the splash pad, more frequent cleanup of the park, and a “friends group.” Overall, the parks are valued by their visitors and people are not negatively impacted by them.  


Green spaces provide people with numerous physical and emotional benefits while benefiting the environment. This study has shown that Buttonwood Park and Riverside Park positively impact community members in different areas of New Bedford. Although the parks are in different neighborhoods and include different amenities, data results have shown that visitors enjoy the parks and what they have to offer. It is evident that people with different socioeconomic statuses are separated in the city. Based on the collected data, people with lower incomes tended to live near Riverside Park and those with higher incomes tended to live near Buttonwood Park. However, this is not to say that people do not travel to each park from other areas. Visitors value both parks for their fields, playgrounds, and walking paths. They provide joy to their visitors and although some may have general safety concerns about the world, the parks instill feelings of relaxation and enjoyment. No one is overly concerned about the maintenance of either park and people expressed being happy when they visit. Some people believe that city planners create parks to separate people; however, this study shows the greater impact parks have when located in different neighborhoods. A park in a lower-income neighborhood may not attract many high-income earners, but that does not mean the park itself deters people. It may be difficult to look at Buttonwood Park the same way because of its history, but the important fact learned from this study is the importance of green spaces and their impact on the community they serve. Ultimately, this research highlights the importance of green spaces and their influence on community members’ mental and physical health. People largely view these parks as being welcoming to diverse backgrounds, as well as fostering activity and community involvement.


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Appendix A 

Survey Questions 

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