Research in Mechanical Engineering
IMECE Undergraduate Student Poster Competition 2023
By Chloe Shirikjian
The International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition or IMECE Undergraduate Student Poster Competition and Conference was an impactful event that enabled me to present my research to peers, form connections with people in research and industry worldwide, and to learn about cutting-edge technologies. I arrived in New Orleans on Sunday, October 29, 2023, and attended an orientation for first-time conference attendees. Important members of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) welcomed the students and shared information about the conference and volunteering opportunities.
I presented my work at the Undergraduate Student Poster Competition later that day. During the first hour of the competition, I presented my poster in front of numerous judges. My poster titled, An Integrated Computational Framework for Process-informed Analysis of 3D Printed Knee Assembly Components, displayed my research from the past six months on numerical simulations of additive manufacturing (AM). I first informed attendees about the background and project goals. Then, I spoke in detail about the application of additive manufacturing to patient-specific prosthesis design and how my objectives contribute to that goal. I went on to discuss the setup, results, and conclusion. In summary, the residual stresses present in the AM printed parts will be a determining factor for structural failure. Additionally, computational methods for function-oriented tolerancing must be developed for practical application of AM in the industry. This event allowed me to receive feedback from judges on points that I had not yet considered, including displaying my results in a xy-plot and including more realistic parameters, such as ligaments and tendons, into my simulation. Furthermore, I received encouraging feedback about the need for this type of work in the industry and received compliments about my presentation. Engaging with judges and peers sparked interesting discussions and a new passion for continuing my research.
Chloe Shirikjian next to her poster at the IMECE Undergraduate Student Poster Competition and Conference 2023
The next day, I attended a talk from a keynote speaker and multiple technical sessions. This event allowed me to learn about the cutting-edge research currently being done and explore various interesting topics in mechanical engineering. In particular, the keynote speaker presented on Small Satellites and the Future of Planetary Space Exploration, which discussed Georgia Tech’s accomplishment of being the first university to send a small satellite into space. The mission was originally intended to use the satellite to search for ice on areas of the moon that do not receive sunlight. However, they experienced some issues with one of the satellite thrusters, which sent the satellite off its original course. This talk enlightened me on the newfound ability for private industry space exploration. In the 2020s, private companies can explore space on a national scale with small satellites and rideshares; space exploration is no longer limited to government defense companies.
My experience at IMECE allowed me to form connections and to reignite my passion for engineering. Presenting my work allowed me to see my research from different perspectives and connect with people in the industry interested in additive manufacturing. Furthermore, attending the technical sessions allowed me to learn about new technologies in industry and research fields. I am extremely grateful to experience such an extraordinary event and I look forward to pursuing similar opportunities in the future.