Physiological Markers of the Aha! Experience 

By Sadye Marie Clark



Problem-solving is a fundamental aspect of human cognition, with insight problem-solving representing a unique and intriguing phenomenon characterized by sudden, seemingly effortless solutions. The pivotal moment of resolution, often referred to as the “Aha! experience,” marks the distinction between insight and non-insight problem-solving approaches. While previous research has predominantly relied on self-report measures to explore the Aha! experience, this study aims to complement existing literature by investigating physiological markers, specifically changes in heart rate, associated with insight problem-solving.


Specifically, my advisor, Dr. Trina Kershaw, and I are:

  1. Investigating the role of heart rate dynamics in discerning between genuine insight, false insight, and non-insight problem-solving processes.
  2. Exploring the emotional dimensions of the Aha! experience and their relationship with average heart rate.
  3. Enhancing our understanding of insight problem-solving by integrating physiological and emotional perspectives.

Background and Significance

Insight problem-solving, characterized by sudden, unexpected solutions, stands in contrast to non-insight problem-solving, which typically involves incremental, step-by-step approaches. The Aha! experience serves as a defining criterion for identifying insight solutions, encompassing dimensions such as pleasure, surprise, relief, and certainty. Previous research has highlighted the neural underpinnings of insight and the challenges associated with self-report measures in capturing the multidimensional nature of the Aha! experience. To address these gaps, this study aims to leverage physiological measures, specifically heart rate changes, to provide a deeper understanding of insight problem-solving.

Research Method

This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining physiological measurements of heart rate with self-reported emotional ratings. Participants solve Compound Remote Associates (CRA) problems (word problems) while their heart rate is monitored using BIOPAC technology. Self-reported emotional experiences are assessed using scales developed by Danek and Wiley (2017).

Research Protocol

Participants are asked to complete prescreening surveys to determine eligibility and undergo individual testing sessions in a laboratory setting. Heart rate is then measured using BIOPAC technology, and participants solve word problems while providing self-reported emotional ratings. Electrodes are placed on the participant to measure ECG (electrocardiogram) activity. After completing six practice trials, baseline heart rate is collected. After the baseline, participants complete an additional 30 CRA problem trials. If they believe they solved a problem, they are asked to rate their emotional experiences.

Sadye Marie Clark at work, collecting heart rate and problem-solving data in the lab

Current Project Status

Prior to data collection, I had to learn to program my study in E-Prime, a software program for running psychological experiments, and learn how to use BIOPAC, a hardware and software system for collecting physiological data. After several months of development, this study is presently underway, actively collecting data from participants. Upon reaching a sufficient sample size, the collected data will undergo thorough analysis. We will be gathering specific data for each problem rather than aggregating data per participant. We expect that there will be differences in heart rate prior to solution depending on if a person solves a problem in an incremental way vs. if they have an Aha! experience.

Support from the OUR

Thanks to the OUR, I was able to compensate study participants. My experience with applying for an OUR research grant encouraged me to seek additional funding. I received a research grant from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, to further support my research. Throughout this project, I have encountered numerous challenges and triumphs that have shaped both my methodology and understanding of human behavior. From designing comprehensive experimental protocols to navigating the complexities of ethical considerations, every step has been a learning opportunity. I have honed my skills in data collection through hands-on involvement and fostered a deep appreciation for human cognition and emotion. Collaborating with diverse teams of researchers has broadened my perspective and enriched the depth of my investigations. Without the support of the OUR, Dr. Trina Kershaw, Dr. Heloisa Alves, and Dr. Robin Arkerson, this project would not have been possible. Thank you. Despite encountering obstacles such as participant recruitment difficulties and unforeseen logistical hurdles, my dedication to advancing psychological knowledge remains steadfast, and I am eagerly anticipating this study’s continuation.

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